Bay Tree Florists

Bay Tree Florists use only the best quality flowers and plants to create professional floral arrangements for any occasion.



Customer satisfaction is assured when ordering flowers for that special occasion.


Birthday, Anniversary, New Baby, Get Well Soon, Thank You, I’m Sorry, Engagement, Wedding, Funeral, Romantic, Congratulations, Sympathy, Thinking of You - we have a huge range to suit all these occasions and more.


Due to the large variety of plants and tastes of our customers, we don’t have storage to offer this service online. We hope to have this service online in the near future.

However, we do have a nice selection of Plants and small Trees at our shop, examples of which are shown in the pictures below.

We are able to order Plants and Trees from our Dutch suppliers, who deliver direct to us three times a week. The Plants and Trees come direct from nurseries in Holland or via the International Flower Hub in Amsterdam. We don’t get charged extra to get Plants or Trees delivered to us, so we wont pass on that charge in the cost of our Plants or Trees to you.

Bay Tree would be happy to quote you on any Plant or Tree products.

Please call 0800 0 14 14 18 or email

Plants 1
Plants 2
Plants 3
Free delivery


Same day delivery is available on orders placed before 1pm.

Teleflorist delivery rates apply to International orders.

Free delivery

Add a gift!

Add a gift with your order: choose from Chocolates,
Fruit Baskets, Vases,
Balloons, Teddies, Wine
and Champagne.

More gift options
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