Bay Tree Florists

Bay Tree Florists use only the best quality flowers and plants to create professional floral arrangements for any occasion.



Customer satisfaction is assured when ordering flowers for that special occasion.


Birthday, Anniversary, New Baby, Get Well Soon, Thank You, I’m Sorry, Engagement, Wedding, Funeral, Romantic, Congratulations, Sympathy, Thinking of You - we have a huge range to suit all these occasions and more.


Need something a bit extra? Then add a gift to your order. If there’s something you can't find here, then simply contact us to add it to your order. As long as you’re buying flowers, we’ll deliver anything else for free – except a new sofa!

Our stock of gifts include vases (oval, cube, round, fish bowl etc.), boxes of chocolates (milk, dark, mixed), champagne (various qualities), wines (various regions), teddies (boy, girl, romantic), balloons (get well, Happy Birthday, romantic etc) and balloon bouquets (same balloons but bunch of 5 variations of the same occasions)



From £4.95

Brand name chocolates: milk, dark and mixed.



From £4.25

For all occasions: romantic, birthday, get well, anniversary, new borns, congratulations etc.

Wine & Champagne

Wine & Champagne

From £8.95

Brand name bottles:
white, red, rosé and Champagne.

Free delivery


Same day delivery is available on orders placed before 1pm.

Teleflorist delivery rates apply to International orders.

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