Bay Tree Florists

Bay Tree Florists use only the best quality flowers and plants to create professional floral arrangements for any occasion.



Customer satisfaction is assured when ordering flowers for that special occasion.


Birthday, Anniversary, New Baby, Get Well Soon, Thank You, I’m Sorry, Engagement, Wedding, Funeral, Romantic, Congratulations, Sympathy, Thinking of You - we have a huge range to suit all these occasions and more.

About us

Bay Tree Florists opened it’s doors in 1989 and has successfully built a  proud reputation for supplying high quality flowers and designs for Occasions, Weddings and Funerals in the County of Swansea.

As a Teleflorist - eFlorist agent, we are able to send orders to any country in the world. All Swansea orders will be prepared in our own shop and delivered in our own vehicles. All other orders will be prepared and delivered by a qualified Teleflorist agent closest to your delivery address.

We have a good repeat customer base and supply corporate flowers and gifts to local companies. On a larger scale, we can cater for events, such as hire displays and flowers for the marquees at the Swansea University Graduations. You’ll find many of the reputable hotels and venues will refer us to their customers.

Our team consists of Manager, Senior Florists, Florists, Trainee Florist, Full Time Driver and Part Time Driver.

Your Wedding or Funeral flowers will not be outsourced, we are proud of our name and reputation, so we like to keep it in house.

Bay Tree Florists exterior 1
Bay Tree Florists exterior 2
Bay Tree Florists interior 1
Bay Tree Florists interior 2
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Bay Tree Florists interior 4
Fresh flowers
Fresh flowers

Fresh flowers refrigerated from Holland are delivered three times a week.

Shop Opening Hours
Fresh flowers

Monday to Friday:
8:30am to 5.30pm
8:30am to 1:30pm

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